01/14/2014, 23:08 Time
Helena Sanchez

Drummond´s Colombian Coal: in the eye of the hurricane

Government order to suspend coal loading

USPA NEWS - After a 52 days workers´ strike which led a loss of US$ 259 million, Drummond Company, Inc. and its affiliates...

08/01/2013, 17:48 Time
Helena Sanchez, colombian journalist

Stephen Marchionda

Passionate for Scarlatti

USPA NEWS - Stephen Marchionda is an Italian-American guitarist. He was born in Sulmona, Abruzzo in Italy, and began playin...

07/17/2013, 03:21 Time
Helena Sanchez, colombian journalist

Alvaro Uribe, a great colombian?

His compatriots do not think so

USPA NEWS - More than two months of online voting on a survey mixed with a symbolic contest, organized by History Channel a...

07/09/2013, 14:55 Time
Helena Sanchez, colombian journalist

Each month in Colombia

95.000 people lose their job

USPA NEWS - According to Colombian Work Ministry, 33 thousand people linked to formal employment system and 95 thousand inf...

07/07/2013, 05:11 Time
Helena Sanchez, colombian journalist

After 100 years of Holcim´s operation

Enterprise committed to sustainability

USPA NEWS - Representatives of Holcim´s cement plant in Colombia ““located in Boyacá state-, presented the sustaina...

07/03/2013, 19:47 Time
Helena Sanchez, colombian journalist

One of the last Espeletia species

still lives in Boyaca

USPA NEWS - Colombian Institute Alexander Von Humboldt found in Chontales Moorland (a place located in the west corridor of...

06/28/2013, 04:33 Time
Helena Sanchez

In the middle of Colombia

Find more than 50 doctrinaire temples

USPA NEWS - According to the Colombian researcher Henry Neiza, nowadays Boyacá has 54 doctrinaire temples documented, so...

03/30/2013, 02:16 Time
Helena Sanchez

Education in Latin America

A matter of politics

USPA NEWS - Three teachers from Brazil, Chile and Argentina have concluded that, due to the governments their countries hav...

03/17/2013, 19:08 Time
Helena Sanchez

Mad about technology

Free software, a good business

USPA NEWS - This text comes from an interview with Jon Maddog Hall, during his latest visit to Colombia, where he reffered ...




Daren Frankish


Yasmina BEDDOU




Aurangzeb Akbar
